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Establishment of a Philosophy along with Goals and Objectives for the project are an essential departure point for the client and architect. The client comes to the design process with past experience, expectations for the project and desires regarding appearance, organization and construction.

The client’s space needs, as well as the essential physical relationships between those spaces, are clearly defined and documented in a Building Program which in turn serves as the reference for the planning and organization of the project. The Building Program is developed by utilizing information gathering tools, including questionnaires and wish lists, developed and enhanced by Cynthia throughout her career.

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Site Analysis is conducted to establish the key aspects of the site that would impact and have an effect the design of the project, including natural topography and vegetation, sun, wind, views and sound, as well as regulatory factors such as zoning limitations.  Careful consideration of site issues can result in better environmental design.

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Once the Philosophy, Goals and Objectives, Building Program and Site Analysis have been established, several design concepts can be explored.

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Upon selection of a Concept, preliminary plans and elevations are drawn, resulting in a Schematic Design for the project. The Schematic Design is reviewed with the client in order to identify whether all of the parameters have been addressed, or if additional issues need to be addressed.

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The Design Development phase of the work explores the use of construction technology, materials and finishes throughout the project. The plans and elevations become more refined and the sections of the building showing the volumes of space are explored. Continuous review and input from the client is essential throughout this phase of the work.

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The Construction Documents are comprised of the final working drawings and written specifications from which the project is built. A tremendous amount of information is contained in these documents, which should allow the contractor to construct the project from beginning to end.

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Construction Administration of the project as it is being built is crucial to the implementation of the design intent of the owner and architect.  Cynthia visits the job site at regular intervals to observe the construction and to respond to field conditions as they arise.

The result of the Design Process is an elegantly designed Project built to the client’s specifications.

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